Monday 21 March 2011

Time to Leave the Tenement, Time to Get the Bathroom Well Cleaned

When the time to leave the rented place occurs, you have to do one really good job cleaning. Having at the end of tenancy clean and nice place is a postulate to receive your deposit back. One of the areas that you could take care on a regular basis is the bathroom. This is the place that is a breeding ground for germs. Therefore you have to clean it more often than the other rooms in the house. There are some really good ways to do it, notice that-without any chemicals.

Let's see how is that possible. The first problem, that you will surly come across in the bathroom is mould and mildew. The constant use of water and bad ventilation are the main reasons that could lead to such troubles. The places affected from that-well, the shower curtain for example. The best type of shower curtains are those made of 100 percent cotton. They dry quickly and are washable as well. In case you already have problem spots covered with mildew here is what you can do. One easy formula is made out of water, few drops of citrus seed extract, tea tree essential oil and juniper essential oil combined in a spray bottle. Spray the contaminated area and leave it like that for an hour or two. Then simply wipe it down and spray again, but this time leave the mixture to stay.

The toilet bowl is the other critical area in the bathroom. You have to know that the most of the germs here reside under the rim and the seat, bare that in mind when you start scrubbing. A good sanitiser could be made out of water, liquid castile soap, tea tree essential oil and few drops of peppermint essential oil. That combined, again, in a spray bottle works more than great as a disinfectant for the toilet seat.

If you follow such tricky ways of cleaning you will be able to get fantastic results. Even better you will keep your home in relatively clean condition and at the end when you have to use professional end of tenancy cleaning services you will be able to save some money by not purchasing the full package of the service.


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