Thursday 26 May 2011

How to Clean Red Wine Stains From a Carpet

We all like to have guests and that is why we cannot avoid getting spills on our favorite carpet. One of the most difficult stains to deal with is red wine. Fortunately, now you can easily remove them following the carpet cleaning tips written below.

  1. The most important thing is to act fast, blot the spot as soon as you notice it. Do not forget that the longer the spills sits, the harder it is to clean them from the fabric. You need to use a clean towel or damp cloth, and be careful not to spread the stain.

  2. The next step is to make a mixture of one teaspoon carpet shampoo or dish washing soap and one cup hydrogen peroxide. Use a clean sponge to apply the solution to the spot and then blot gently. You may need to repeat until the stain lifts.

  3. Rinse the area with warm not hot water. 
  4. Blot dry with a clean white damp cloth or paper towels. To faster the drying process you can use fans or turn on the air conditioner.

You can buy a chemical-based carpet cleaning solution from any store, but it is  better to use this healthier home-made toxic-free solvent to deal with the red wine stain.

The other option is to hire a carpet cleaning company to help you with the cleaning process. Using steam cleaning machines they will work miracles with your favourite carpet. They will refresh and renew the look of the fabric and will also extend the life of the carpet.


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