Thursday 2 June 2011

How to Make Green Cleaning Products

We all buy commercial cleaning solutions from the store when it is time to clean and refresh our house. However, many of you do not know that all these products can be very harmful for you and your family. The following information is very useful and will give you advices about how to make environmentally friendly products from household ingredients. These cleaners are sometimes do a better job than the cleaning London companies.

  1. To clean your kitchen and bathroom, all you need is backing soda, unscented soap and cream tartar. Scrub them where ever you need and then rinse thoroughly.

  2. When cleaning windows you should use vinegar and a newspaper. Do the cleaning on daily light, otherwise you may not notice some streaks. 

  3. To polish the wooden furniture you need to use vinegar and olive oil. 

  4. It is a good idea to keep live house-plants indoors, this way they will reduce odors. Other alternative is to use essential oils, instead or boil cinnamon sticks in water. 
  5. Use lemon juice to combat household bacteria. 
  6. Vinegar-based solvent is the best option when dealing with carpet stains. 
  7. You need yo use vinegar, hydro peroxide or mixture of water and tea tree oil to clean mold in the bathroom. All you need to do is to spray the solution on the area and let is sit at least one hour. 
  8. When you want to deodorize your carpet you need to sprinkle it with backing soda. Let it sit that way overnight, and vacuum in the morning. This way you will remove all odors from the carpet.

Do not forget that you can always hire a London cleaners to help you with the cleaning process or do the job instead of you.


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